Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Whew, made it through another wedding!

My sister's son was getting married on Saturday, so I flew down to Jacksonville, FL to help. I did not realize that north Florida now has a monsoon season, but we were in it!!!! It did not stop raining until Memorial Day! Hopefully these portraits I took of the bride looks like the sun is shining rather than it pouring rain outside! I had to take all the photos inside.
I did various things such as putting together a video show of them growing up, helped with the programs, labeled candies, helped with food preparation, bridal portraits, decorated the groom's cake and took the photos at the wedding. I am too tired to remember what else. I know there was the marathon shopping trip with my sister to buy food. Oh yes, there were flower arrangements and decorations to do....weddings are so much work! 
Both of my children and their spouses were there, so it was great to see them. We drove home Monday and now I am in that fog where you don't know what to do next! Hope you had a safe holiday weekend!
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1 comment:

Peggy Maier said...

Lovely wedding, lovely couple! How DID you do everything?! I can imagine it was a blur, you were so busy. Glad everything went well (except the monsoon). I can't tell it's raining outside. The pictures are gorgeous! You are so talented in many areas!