Monday, October 15, 2012

Smudge Bunch Stamping

 This past weekend, I traveled to lovely North Carolina to teach a couple of classes to a stamping group in Pisgah Forest, NC called the Smudge Bunch. I had taught there in May of 2007 just before going to Europe. Laura Lipe, whose cards I often share with you (because they are always wonderful!), invited me to come stay with her again and to come a little early to have a play day with her and her friend Judy. Here are some photos I took on the way from the cabin to Pisgah Forest.

 I got to Laura's about one in the afternoon and we had a grand time, making three projects.
 Here is one that we made, a twisted easel quad....looks complicated but it really isn't. Laura sells Stampin' Up!, so she has the coordinating colors of paper and ink. I will definitely be trying some more of these. We did a single twisted easel in class but this quad one is so cute! The other two panels have a cup of cocoa and a candy cane on them, all Stampin' Up!
 Laura has a lot of stamping supplies, but she is also very organized. She teaches classes in the area.
 I used to have play days with my friends in Atlanta, but it has been a loooonnnngggg time since we have had one and I miss it so much! I also missed going to our Stamp Club at Binders where they were doing Halloween Cards. How did life get so busy?

 Saturday morning, the Smudge Bunch met at a church building and we began. First class was "Stencil It In!", looking into ways to use stencils in paper crafting. We did five projects and there were sixteen ladies....five projects also for the afternoon "Stamping Keeps Me In Stitches...Paper Quilting" Class. That means 160 class kits that I prepared.  Lots of cutting and die cutting!

Everyone was so nice and seemed to enjoy doing the projects. They said we shouldn't wait another five plus years before we do it again.
I really appreciate Laura inviting me into her home as well as her husband, Frank and their pet, Gabby. They have a beautiful home they built in the forest. I also enjoyed being with Judy again, and though I didn't get to see her husband, Art, this time, I sent my greetings!

Times like this remind me again how much fun stamping can be....especially when it is shared with others!

1 comment:

Laura Lipe, Pisgah Forest, NC said...

Holly, you got some great shots of the mountains before arriving at my house. I appreciate all the shots of my stamp room, while it was fairly straightened up. I enjoyed stamping with you on Friday (we MUST do that again soon) as well as the two wonderful classes you designed and taught our club. Yes, we will NOT wait 5 years before the next class!!! Smiles, Laura
(More pictures of the classes at my blog,