Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Setting Up Vignettes

As a card maker and a photography, I like to combine the two and set up vignettes or still lifes that can be used as a card front. With the ability to add text to a photo (have I told you how much I love Picasa?), you can make quick cards by choosing a photo, adding text, downloading them to your photo lab, cutting and scoring the card stock while you wait for them to print, pick them up and add the the photo to the cards! You have original cards like no one else's as you took the photo!

When I set up a vignette, I try to be aware enough to leave a spot for a little text, like the photo above could have a cute little quip printed in white and placed in the dark lower right hand corner.
The photos can also just be a fond memory as of the watermelon above one Fourth of July...that was the BEST tasting watermelon I EVER tasted! I often do these vignettes at the cabin as I have more free time to "play" and can be more creative! Flowers grow up there better as the summers are a little cooler. There is a great produce stand there and we eat well there too!
You know I love to photograph food and these peaches became a peach custard pie, which was photographed also, before it was gobbled down! Often you can find existing vignettes in store windows, produce stands, etc., so keep your eyes open and your camera ready.
Sometimes, the vignette can be very simple. The one above relies on the scenery from the cabin porch and the play of light. There is enough space here to include a poem.

I will see if I can find some more examples.
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