First of all, let's have a moment of silence for my new camera which I did not even have for six weeks before someone decided they needed it more than me last Tuesday, broke in my house (broad daylight) and stole it, along with my MacBook Pro and several other electronic devices and various pieces of jewelry. Hours of work editing photos also went with my laptop which had all my photos from Alaska on it. Numerous books on tape were on my Zen 30 gig and 60 gig mp3 players and all my music on my new iPod nano I had only a month. It is quite depressing so I decided I needed to do some coloring to try to cheer myself up.
So, here are some new stamps from Serendipity that I took with me this weekend while in South Carolina for my husband's family reunion. I also took my Copics and my watercolor. First, let's look at an image that I colored in all three methods. The image above was colored with Copics and then the background was airbrushed with Copics. I used post it notes to mask the pumpkins when airbrushing.
This example was done with watercolor paints on watercolor paper.
The image above was done with watercolor crayons used directly to the stamp and then watercolor paints to fill in missing areas.
I thought the blue sky airbrushing on this winter scene worked especially well. I think I will add some Martha Stewart Crafts fine crystal glitter to the snow for an icy look.
When I get new stamps I like to get to know them and color them in different ways. Some stamps look and work better in certain mediums but you don't always know until you try it.
I have many more images to share and then I will be making finished cards to share. I also have some new EK Success calligraphy pens I want to try out.
Even though the robbers did take one of my monitors I use on my desktop (as well as my external harddrive I use for backup), they did not take my desktop tower. Makes you ponder about what to do about backup though....anyone use Carbonite or one of the other backup systems? I always thought that having things on two computers was a form of backup, but if someone stole both computers you would be up the creek without a paddle. Thanks for listening to my whining, but it has been a very upsetting experience. My daughter calls me the "Queen of Electronics" and they really wiped me out.
Monday, July 27, 2009
I love to color!
watercolor crayons
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Oh my gosh- I'm so sorry to hear about the breakin!!! I have only ever had my car broken into, but that alone sent me into tears for an hour! I can't imagine the pain of having your *house* broken into. And it is terrible about the pictures because those kinds of things you can't get back... I'm glad you and your family are ok, though. I will keep you in my thoughts this week and hopefully the people who took your things will get caught and they can be returned to you...
Sorry to hear about the robbery at your house-that's terrible! It would definitely shake me up, too. Not only the practical side of it, like how to replace the items taken, but also the emotional side of it. And sorry about all those amazing pictures from Alaska! Hope this week is better for you!
It must be a bad omen with the planets and stars lining up or something. Sorry about your breakin. I just had a similar experience only they took my food!! Not good when you live way out in the country, operate a bed and breakfast, and some knothead takes the food out of your freezer. I am Donya Schroeder's grandma in Iowa. I really enjoy your art lessons.
That's just terrible. I feel for you and am angry at the thoughtless people who did such a terrible thing.
Oh you poor dear. How devestating to lose all of that in one fell swoop. Even if insurance replaces the equipment they can never replace those photos. I've been the victim of home robbery before, and you just feel so violated. So sorry you are going through this. But, on the bright side - your coloring is so gorgeous. I'm loving these halloween items!
Well, they left your art supplies alone and you can still color and create beautifully. If there was anything I could do to make it better, I would in a heartbeat, Holly. HUGS!!
Thanks for your comforting comments. It is no fun to be robbed no matter what they take. Gerrie, I once had 50 lbs of spare ribs taken from my freezer when I was robbed! Sorry to hear about your loss and good to hear from you and everyone else.
Yes, at least they did not find my Copics, compressor and Faber Castel wc crayons to be valuable, which we all know, are very valuable! And my Genesis paper trimmers...and....
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