It is now held at the Fairgrounds in Lawrenceville, GA, northeast of Atlanta. It is also where I live, so that is convenient! It was kind of a rainy cold morning, so a stamp show was a perfect place to spend the morning. The sun came out later and it turned out to be a beautiful day.
Speaking of stores, one of the best known stores in the southeast, Stamps and More by Eleanor (formerly The Calligraphy House) is closing it's doors, while Artful Legacy (formerly near Myrtle Beach) has reopened in Camden, SC (near Columbia, SC). They had gone Internet sales for a while but now have reopened a brick and mortar store.

One of the things I like best about going to shows is that I get to see a lot of friends. Here are some from South Carolina.
I also see a lot of friends from Stamp Club at Binders (Atlanta). It meets the second Saturday of each month. Below, I ran into Ann from Stamp Club.

More friends from Stamp Club (current and former)....Tina is the one with dark hair....I often share her fabulous cards. Just received a beautiful Valentine from her that I will be posting soon.

Below, my friend Sharon (left) catches up with old friends....
Sharon lets loose of some of the "green stuff"....we helped each other pick out Geo Dies!
Below is Marian (who is mothering the stamp club somewhat...thanks, Marian!), Yunetta and Sharon....all wonderful friends!

Another great friend, Ann, checking out the Grand Nestabilities at the Marcos Booth. Ann helps out Bonnie Boyle (Bonnie's Best Art Tools) sometimes. Bonnie was supposed to have a booth at the show this year, but got hit with the flu or something similar so had to bow out. Sorry to miss seeing all her wonderful toys.....hmmmm, make that TOOLS! Love her stuff! Great to see Ann!

Below, Joyce (yes, the Joyce from the Thelma and Louise trip to the Rockies!) and Sharon catch up.

Below, Renita from the stamp club is doing some shopping....There were other friends there from stamp club that I didn't get a photo of and I also met a gal who was looking for a stamp club to join.

Oh, yeah.....guess I should include a card idea. I liked this design a lot.....
Very cool design the way it becomes three dimensional.....
Another design I saw this week was the Twisted Easel Card that I saw a tutorial for...I want to try that out soon I have all the "new" stuff from the show to try out....let the stamping begin!
One of the things I like best about going to shows is that I get to see a lot of friends. Here are some from South Carolina.
More friends from Stamp Club (current and former)....Tina is the one with dark hair....I often share her fabulous cards. Just received a beautiful Valentine from her that I will be posting soon.
Below, my friend Sharon (left) catches up with old friends....
Another great friend, Ann, checking out the Grand Nestabilities at the Marcos Booth. Ann helps out Bonnie Boyle (Bonnie's Best Art Tools) sometimes. Bonnie was supposed to have a booth at the show this year, but got hit with the flu or something similar so had to bow out. Sorry to miss seeing all her wonderful toys.....hmmmm, make that TOOLS! Love her stuff! Great to see Ann!
Below, Joyce (yes, the Joyce from the Thelma and Louise trip to the Rockies!) and Sharon catch up.
Below, Renita from the stamp club is doing some shopping....There were other friends there from stamp club that I didn't get a photo of and I also met a gal who was looking for a stamp club to join.
Oh, yeah.....guess I should include a card idea. I liked this design a lot.....
Plus, Jim's mother wants us to accompany her on a trip to the Outer Banks of NC....that is the one spot along the Atlantic Seaboard that I have never visited, so looking forward to that! I have been from Lubec, Maine to Key West with many spots between. Other than the Northeast in autumn, I will be able to mark off the eastern coast of spots to visit. I will just have to begin again....after all, it has been fifteen years since I was last in NYC! Such a shame!
Anyway, hope you enjoyed this glimpse of the stamp show in Lawrenceville. It was fun to shop and see so many friends. Also great to see the great vendors I have not seen in a while (like Susan that does the wonderful peg stamps at Rubber Stamp Tapestry), but sorry that Bonnie was sick...hope she feels better soon! I always enjoy looking at the papers and stuff at Marcos Paper.
If we don't support these shows, they, like so many stores, will just go away! Do your part and help the economy.....I did my part! LOL!
Really enjoyed seeing the familiar faces in your photos, Holly. I was so sad not to be there (the dr confirmed I have the flu!) Glad everyone had fun. I'll look forward to next year's show. Thank you for the photos and report -- and for the get well wishes!
Thanks for the report on the show. It was great to see the photos of so many familiar faces. Thanks for putting a plug in about Artful Legacy Rubber Stamping & More in Camden, SC. Hope you get up this way some time.
Great job, Charles! I know of 2 stores that have closed in Michigan in the last 6 months or so. I support Marcos when I need paper and they are so nice to deal with. I have not been stamping as much as I used to and the budget is tight, but I am always happy to get your reports just in case I need something. Let us know about your new stuff.
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