My daughter is a high school teacher and she loves to come to the cabin for her fall break. Above she is standing with my mother, who is sporting her new shirt. I found the shirts up at the state park next to the cabin and had to have one!!! It has the John Muir quote, "The mountains are calling and I must go" on it....mine is olive green. Below is the view from the state park.

I took the following photo from the porch of the cabin, so we are getting some color.

We always have projects to do at the cabin and this time, Allison came home from the produce stand with baby pumpkins. We used some of the glitter and glue I had left from the Martha Stewart Crafts photo holders I used on the quilt cards to dress up the pumpkins.

I also finished up her pumpkin that has the Memphis "M" on one side and the Florida Gator on the other. I had to "watch" the Fla/LSU game on my iPhone Saturday night, but I was happy as the Gators won.

It was a great visit with Allison and Craig. Jason and Jessica had come the weekend before, when we were over in SC.
I had mentioned the basement of the cabin was flooded. What a mess. All the sheetrock and flooring will have to be redone. My sister and I had put the studs up, hung the sheetrock, painted and decorated the rooms down there in 2004 so we were just sick! Need to get it fixed before we all come back for the week after Christmas!
What a lovely daughter you have!
Love the T-shirt!!!!!!! The fall here in Salem beckons me...but right now it is raining and is to be that way all week....by the time I get out with my camera, I'm afraid all the leaves will be down - bummer! So extra special to see yours!
Yes, Jan, we had a very rainy week also! Nice to finally see sunshine. My camera is at the camera hospital...might need a new shutter. I will be heading back up to the cabin on Friday, provided I get my projects done!
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