Monday, June 8, 2009

Big Bugs!

These big bugs were so much fun! The garden had elementary schools also decorate bugs and had bug shaped topiarys also, so there were a lot of bugs to see!
I especially loved this damsel fly at the aquatic garden amongst the lily pads.
Jason took the photo of me next to the praying mantis, which gives you an idea of how large these creatures are in real life! Three of the super sized ants were marching across the field. More bugs to come!
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Allison said...

I'm not so sure I like big bugs. The flowers look gorgeous!

janet said...

Those are great!!!!! Is it a traveling exhibit??? I would love to find out where it is going to be if it is. Just no spiders please

Ida said...

OMG these are so cool. Do the bugs travel around? You got some really great shots.

Holly's Hobbies said...

These bugs do travel around. I first learned about them when they were in Chicago and my friend's daughter was getting married in the garden there when the bugs were there. Warning to Janet, there will be a spider to follow...don't get caught up in it's web! It is amazing how a cute little lady bug looks a little scary when blown up so big! Here is the home website for the bugs, but I did not see a schedule of appearances...
Thanks for looking!